Wednesday 9 July 2008

Tsunami and Sushi

It`s a big question. What is the correlation between tsunami and sushi? If you try to find out, and difficult to get the answer, I would like to help you. I will give you some seconds to think.

1. ***

2. ***

3. ***

Time`s up

The answer is : There is no relation between Tsunami and Sushi in this posting. I just want to write like that. Hehehe... Peace v(^_^)

Bcoz yesterday I finished my second article to be published in Media Bersama. I wrote something about Tsunami, something that I`m learning here. It`s my second article. I`m not a good writer, just trying to share my knowledge to anyone else. Here it is MY ARTICLE about Tsunami.

And then about Sushi...?
Last night I went to eat Sushi with my girl friends.Thanks Husna for inviting us. I loooove Sushi very much. If only I was able to eat much:p I`d been full after completing my 4th plate. Really want to go there oftenly, bcoz I don`t know wheter I`m able or not to find delicious and cheap Sushi restaurant in Indonesia
My Favourite: Aburi Salmon Mayo

That`s all for today. Btw today is Hot T_T

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