Wednesday 30 July 2008

Lumpia Bakar Saus Tomat

Setelah sekian lama gak nyobain resep baru, terakhir sih bikin ini beberapa minggu yang lalu. Akhirnya td malem diniatin juga bikin lumpia bakar. Pas lihat resepnya di Kompas, kok kayaknya enaaaaak. Udah niat bikin dari dulu tapi tetep gak kesampaian. Panas2 gini bener2 males deket2 kompor. Akhirnya bikin juga gara2 sungkan soalnya udah bbrp kali dianterin makanan sm Mbak Lia. Masak ngembaliin tupperwarenya kosongan, kan gak enak ^_^

Seperti biasa... Resepnya pake feeling. Disesuaikan sama bahan2 yang murah & pas diskon di supermarket. Hehehe...
Lumpia Bakar Saus Tomat
sumber :
Dimodifikasi sesuka hati sama yang bikin (hehehe)

Bahan kulit:
150 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
1 butir telur
310 ml susu cair
1/2 sdt garam
1 sdm margarin, lelehkan

Bahan isi:
3 siung bawang putih, cincang kasar (tambah 1/4 bawang bombay iris panjang)
150 gr udang kupas, cincang kasar (100 gr aja ditambah 1 iris salmon, cincang kasar)
3 butir telur, kocok lepas
75 gr taoge
150 gr wortel, iris korek api halus (cuma pake 1 batang aja, gak ditimbang)
5 batang kucai, potong 3 cm (gak pake)
1 1/2 sdt garam
3/4 sdt merica bubuk
3/4 sdt gula pasir
75 ml air
1 sdm margarin untuk menumis

Bahan saus:
1/2 buah bawang bombai, cincang halus
5 buah tomat, rebus, buang biji dan kulit, haluskan
9 tangkai daun ketumbar
4 1/2 sendok makan saus tomat
1 sdt garam
1/2 sdt merica hitam bubuk
1/2 sdt gula pasir
300 ml air
2 sdt air jeruk lemon
1 sdm margarin untuk menumis
Sama sekali gak ngikut resep. Cuma panasin mentega, tumis bawang bombay sedikit, tambahkan saus tomat & saus sambal dikira2 aja, tambahin air dikira2 juga, trus masukin mix vegetables, kasih black paper sedikit.

Cara membuat:
1. Aduk rata bahan kulit. Buat dadar tipis di teflon berdiameter 20 cm.
2. Isi: tumis bawang putih sampai harum. Tambahkan udang cincang. Aduk sampai berubah warna. Sisihkan di tepi wajan. Masukkan telur kocok. Aduk sampai berbutir.
3. Tambahkan wortel, taoge, kucai, garam, merica bubuk, dan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Tuang air. Masak sampai meresap.
4. Ambil selembar kulit. Beri isi. Lipat kiri kanan dan gulung. Rekatkan dengan telur. Oles permukaan dengan margarin. Bakar asal kecokelatan.
5. Saus: tumis bawang bombai sampai harum. Tambahkan tomat, daun ketumbar, saus tomat, garam, merica hitam bubuk, dan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Tuang air, masak sampai kental. Menjelang diangkat, masukkan air jeruk lemon. Aduk rata.
6. Sajikan lumpia bakar dengan sausnya.

Monday 28 July 2008

Silicone for Baking Products

I write this article because in NCC mailist, someone asking about Silicone for baking products. I ever used it before. But I know completely nothing about this products. So I try to search some resources. I will write in Indonesian, if someone need English version, please feel free to contact me :)

Penggunaan Silicon untuk Baking
Dari berbagai sumber

Jangan terlanjur takut mendengar istilah Loyang silicone, sebab sebagian orang akan menghubungkannya dengan Silicone yang umumnya digunakan untuk (maaf) operasi pembesaran payudara.

Karet silicone yang digunakan merupakan Polymer, yang secara struktur kimianya terbentuk dari rangkaian silicone-oxygen.

Apakah silicone aman digunakan?

Silicone yang digunakan ini telah diuji aman bagi kesehatan. Struktur kimianya tidak akan bereaksi dan menghasilkan zat-zat berbahaya saat berada dalam suhu panas.

Beberapa kelebihan peralatan masak dari Silicone

  • Sebagaimana karet, strukturnya elastis dan fleksibel. Namun jangan khawatir sebab produk tidak akan meleleh dan berubah bentuk.
  • Anti lengket. Tidak perlu menambahkan butter atau tepung pada loyang. Namun tetap membuat proses pengeluaran kue menjadi sangat mudah.
  • Perawatannya mudah, mudah dicuci dan dibersihkan.
  • Dapat digunakan pada oven gas, oven listrik, microwive, grills, maupun hotplates. Dengan catatan suhu berkisar antara -60 C hingga 230 C (Tergantung keterangan produk)
  • Aman dan dapat langsung digunakan untuk makanan yang sebelumnya disimpan di dalam freezer atau lemari es, untuk kemudian langsung dipanaskan di oven tanpa perlu mengganti wadah.

Loyang silicone umumnya dapat digunakan baking. Namun dari beberapa pengalaman orang yang pernah menggunakan produk siliconee, Loyang silicone tidak direkomendasikan untuk membuat cake dengan struktur yang crunchy di luar. Sebab silicone bersifat insulator, karena itulah untuk pembuatan cake semacam itu dianjurkan menggunakan Loyang dengan bahan metal.

Peralatan masak dari bahan silicone bukan hanya loyang saja. Namun ada juga cetakan muffin, spatula, cetakan agar-agar dengan beraneka bentuk yang menarik.

Beberapa contoh produk dari silicon dapat diintip disini: silikomart, ebay.

Semoga bermanfaat ^_^

Sunday 27 July 2008

Great Weekend With Great Peoples

Weekend again. I only have 2 more weeks here. I will leave Miyazaki heading Tokyo at 9th August. Then I will reach my hometown at 14th. I`m sad leaving Miyazaki, great friends, great activities, great new family.

This Weekend, we visited somewhere in Miyazaki (I forgot the name of the town, hehehe) to see Kayaking Tournament. Great !! But it was soooooo hot. It was raining when we were leaving Dormitory in the morning, so I only brought my rainy umbrella, and no Sun screen lotion. And you know the result : I was totally burned. T_T
Then Sayaka`s mother invite us to eat Kaki Kouri (カキ氷). Another special Kaki Kouri. Not like this one that I tried before, what we tried today was full with fresh fruits and japanese red beans. Nice choice in this hot summer :)

Moving to Miyako City. We ate Okonimiyaki, Japanese vegetable pancake. Thank`s to Sayaka`s funky grandmother. She was so energic and funny.

Next destination : Erikocha Matsuri at Tachibana Douri. A famous summer festival in Miyazaki.
It was looked like a rush hour in Tokyo train station. So many peoples everywhere. Actually, I don`t really like the situation like that.

Before going back home, Sayaka`s Mother brought us some
Yakiudon, and Pizza in the same Okonomiyaki house. I couldn`t eat no more. I was soooo full.

That`s all for today. I`m tired. But I`m happy. Thank you my lovely friends, for giving me this greet weekend with great peoples. It makes me hard to say good bye. T_T

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Get Well Soon my Bro

My brother is studying in Malaysia now. In UMT, Terengganu. We know that it`s not one of the best universities in Malaysia. Some peoples are proud but the the others not. Some peoples keep asking why my brother chose UMT, why not any better university. Well, we know that. I completely understand. This is the decision of our family. We passed a hard and long debate to take this decision. It`s the best for my brother, for his future and also for my family.

I believe that my brother can perform well, do his best, and do everything in a good way. We are proud of you, Bro !!!

Now he is sick. Don`t know why. Maybe he is still trying to survive living there alone. Maybe he is too tired, and feels uncomfortable because of the weather, or something. He said that he had been taken away by Ambulance twice. I was so sad knowing this. And if his condition is still same till this Thursday, he needs to do medical check up, and blood test.

Wish there no anything bad. Get well soon bro. Odaijini...

btw, I passed the Japanese Test for today easily. Sure.. It`s the lowest level. Hehehe.. Need to study hard for tomorrow exam, difficult for me. Wish me luck.. ^_^

Monday 21 July 2008

I was Busy

I was so busy, that`s why there was no updates in my blog. And there was no new recipes for the previous 2 weeks. Actually not that busy, just didn't want to write something here.

Last posting was about MUFSA sport day. It was Saturday. The next day, we went to AEON. And then from Monday till Friday, I was busy preparing my report at Lab. But still, not finished yet. Saturday and Sunday always busy, going somewhere refreshing our mind.

What did I do on Saturday..?
  • Visited A Price, AEON (Again..?), heard lot of horror story in Japan. Hardly believe
  • Watched Matsuri in Kibana Kindergarten from 6 to 8 PM. The kids was sooo cute
  • Had dinner (or party?) in Husna & Pja`s House. The grill chicken was delicious
  • Stayed in Husna & Pja`s house for accompanying them, since Husna was still afraid bout "something". Yang, Ari and Me take all of our stuffs including our Electric Fan. (It was 35C btw)
Then Sunday..?
  • Had lunch in Husna & Pja`s house.
  • Studied at library from 1.30 till 4 PM. We wanted the AC, hehehe
  • Went to Sushi restaurant for Dinner (Yippi... I Loved Sushi)
  • Went to see Hanabi at Aoshima Matsuri at 8.30
  • Played at the beach, till around 11 PM
  • Decided to go to Game Centre at Round one. till drop ^_^
  • Stayed at Husna & Pja`s house (still)s
My fave pic, from Yang`s camera
Back to our childhood at Round One

  • Today is holiday. Marine day. I don`t know why Japanese Government create marine day as national holiday.
  • Woke up, and hungry. hehehe..
  • Cooked Bihun Curry for our lunch.
  • Go back dorm. Need to study actually, but I didn`t. hehehe.. Try to order Omiyage from website that I got from Pja.
So you know that I was busy, playing not studying. Hahahaha

Wish me luck for this week. I will have 4 Japanese Tests. Starting from Tuesday until Friday. Ganbarimasu !!

Sunday 13 July 2008

MUFSA Sports Day

Last Saturday was MUFSA Sports Day. MUFSA belongs to Miyazaki University Foreign Student Association. This annually program was held in University`s Sports Hall. From 9.40 I did Badminton with Jillian as my team mate. And then there was Volley Ball match, I didn`t play bcoz I`m so bad playing Volley :p
Next was Basketball. It was horrible, boys and girls played together. And boys from Egypt, China and Libya were too big comparing to the girls. Once, one of them played unfair. I decided to be supporter, I scared. Last match was Futsal, I really didn`t want to join this one.

And then we went to river, relaxing. The river was so clean, we tried to catch up some small fishes, tiny crab and also cute river prawn. But we failed. Hahaha...

Next destination...105円 Sushi Restaurant for dinner. Ooow.. I`ve told you before that I loooove Sushi very much. At that night I ate 4 plates there and one more plate I ate at home. I Still, aburi salmon mayo was my favourite one.

At the next day I woke up, i felt that all my body was so hurt. Maybe, I did sports too much hehehe...

Tired.. Need massage chair or anyone would like to massage me..? v(^_^)

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Tsunami and Sushi

It`s a big question. What is the correlation between tsunami and sushi? If you try to find out, and difficult to get the answer, I would like to help you. I will give you some seconds to think.

1. ***

2. ***

3. ***

Time`s up

The answer is : There is no relation between Tsunami and Sushi in this posting. I just want to write like that. Hehehe... Peace v(^_^)

Bcoz yesterday I finished my second article to be published in Media Bersama. I wrote something about Tsunami, something that I`m learning here. It`s my second article. I`m not a good writer, just trying to share my knowledge to anyone else. Here it is MY ARTICLE about Tsunami.

And then about Sushi...?
Last night I went to eat Sushi with my girl friends.Thanks Husna for inviting us. I loooove Sushi very much. If only I was able to eat much:p I`d been full after completing my 4th plate. Really want to go there oftenly, bcoz I don`t know wheter I`m able or not to find delicious and cheap Sushi restaurant in Indonesia
My Favourite: Aburi Salmon Mayo

That`s all for today. Btw today is Hot T_T

Monday 7 July 2008

Orange Paris Brest

Jangan tertipu dari namanya yang terdengar sangat keren. Bikin Paris Brest ini gampang banget kok. Suer ^_^ Pake resep keluarga Nugraha, dengan tambahan jeruk Mandarin kaleng supaya rasanya seger. Maklum, lagi musim panaaas...

Anggep aja ini cake untuk ulang tahun Ayah hari ini. Selamat Ulang Tahun y Ayah, semoga sehat selalu, banyak rejeki, panjang umur jadi bisa lihat semua
anak Ayah sukses nanti. Amiiin...

Ulang tahun ayah kali ini sepi, cuma ber3 dirumah. Saya masih disini, adik saya yang cowok udah terbang juga buat kuliah. Walaupun keluarga kita lagi mencar2, tapi kita semua sayang Ayah. Happy Birthday Ayah.. We Love You
Bahan Choux Pastry:
  • 180 ml susu cair
  • 1/4 sdt garam
  • 75 gram mentega
  • 110 gram tepung terigu
  • 3 butir telur
Bahan Vla :
  • 250 ml susu cair
  • 80 gram gula
  • 2 kuning telur
  • 1 sdt ekstrak vanilla
  • 4 sdm maizena, larutkan dalam 4 sdm air
  • (saya tambahkan 1 sachet nutrisari jeruk, plus 1 kaleng jeruk mandarin untuk diletakkan diatas Vla nantinya)
Bahan Topping :
100 gram coklat blok, cairkan (Saya pakai 50 gr coklat blok + 1 sdt mentega, lelehkan. Rasanya lebih cantik kalau pake White Chocolate)

Cara Membuat Kulit
  • Campur susu, mentega dan garam pada panci, lalu masak dengan api kecil hingga mendidih
  • Masukkan tepung terigu yang telah diayak, aduk cepat hingga adonan licin dan terlepas dari dinding panci
  • Setelah dingin, masukkan telur, kocok hingga rata
  • Semprotkan berbentuk lingkaran dengan diameter sekitar 20 cm. (Roti yang kedua dibentuk Heart Shape oleh teman saya, jadinya lucu juga)
  • Panggang dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan dengan suhu 200 C selama lebih kurang 15 menit, lalu turunkan suhu menjadi 170 C, panggang hingga sus kering. (Saya hanya panggang selama 15 menit, sebab adonan sudah mulai hangus)
  • Setelah dingin, belah roti jadi dua, isi dengan Vla (dan susun jeruk mandarin kaleng di atas Vla) dan oles bagian atasnya dengan coklat leleh.
Cara membuat Vla:
  • Diatas api kecil, didihkan susu, gula, ekstrak vanili, kuning telur hingga mendidih.
  • Tambahkan nutrisari bubuk, lalu masukkan larutan maizena, aduk hingga rata.
Paris Brest ini rasanya enak, apalagi kalau habis dimasukkan ke kulkas. Jadinya dingin, ditambah ada jeruk mandarinnya. Mmmm.. Segaaar... Sayangnya karena musim panas, coklatnya jadi mudah meleleh.

Sunday 6 July 2008

Surviving in Summer

Another hot day. My friend, Wan told me that today is 35C. But Husna told me that she saw from Internet that today is 36C. I don't care is it 35 or 36. It`s absolutely HOT.

I planed to go to Miyako City by train with my Taiwan`s friend, Yang. But we really didn`t want to go. It was sooooooo hot outside there. Walking for just 5 minutes had made me sweating out.

I`m trying to survive this summer. I did those things recently (since no AC in my room):
  • Taking shower at least 3 times a day
  • Sitting behind opened window or in front of electric fan, and also let my door being opened.
  • Drinking at least 2 litres of cool or cold water a day
  • Eating ice cream everyday
I will show you Super Ice Cream in Japan, called Kakikori (カキ氷). Comparing with "Es Puter or Es Serut" in Indonesia, you can imagine how hot it is in Japan.

Thank`s to Aiki Sensei & Shinggu Sensei for inviting me.

Friday 4 July 2008

HOT Summer Comes...

It`s been July..
Hot summer season comes..

Arrrghh... I hate it.. It`s so hot and it`s too hot. It`s still the beginning of summer. I just check a weather website. Miyazaki is 33 C now, but feels like 39 C. Can`t imagine how hot it will be next month. And how dark my skin because being burned T_T

I just have medium size of standing fan in my room. No Air Conditioner. I think, I will spend all my day in Lab, Library, or somewhere that I able to find Air Conditioner. hahaha..

Even it`s so hot, but it just nothing comparing how hot the hell will be.

Enjoy your summer !!

Tuesday 1 July 2008


It`s been Tuesday. Time goes so fast. So many things to do at lab. I just have 1 month left here. Wish me luck...

I always love weekend. Refreshing my mind from boring routines at Lab. Thank you Pijah, for inviting me join Karaoke on Friday. I enjoyed it very much, especially the Massage Chair in our karaoke`s room. Hahaha..

On Sunday, actually I planed to stay at my room, wanted to chat with my boyfriend. But I forgot that he had planning to hang out with his friend :p So, I was so glad when Pijah invited me to go to the City. We went to AEON, our second house. hahaha. We also met Pat, Wan, Jillian an Rina there. And at night, we asked (pushed) Pat to make Thai Cuisines for us. But then, Ari, Jillian and me also made some food for our great dinner. I love something like this.

Photo courtesy of Pijah : Preparing our dinner

Anyway, I have new activity with my friends. Jogging at
night, the weather is very nice at night. We need to burn calories. hahaha..

Last updates : Today`s tea ceremony class. I love this p
ic. It`s because Sensei & Park (my Korean friend using white shirt) are so cute in this pic. Today is Park`s Bday. Saengil chukha hamnida, Park !!

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