Saturday 28 June 2008

Cheese Sausage Muffin

If you need english recipe, just let me know. I will translate it for you ^_^
Sudah weekend... Horeee ^_^

Loh, cerita weekendnya manaaa? Sabar2, nanti diceritain. Sekarang posting ini dulu ya, habis bikin muffin. Tapi kok rasanya bukan kayak muffin ya? Kurang berasa roti gitu. Penasaran bikin muffin lagi besok ah :D

Resepnya saya ambil dari sini. Ngga bisa ninggalin pesen sama yang punya blog, minta ijin pake resepnya. Huhuhu. Resepnya beberapa saya ganti sesuai sama apa yang ada di kulkas aja.
Muffin enak super gampang

Bahan-Bahan :

  • 100 gram tepung terigu
  • 1 sendok teh baking powder
  • 75 gram margarin, dilelehkan
  • 75 ml susu cair
  • 2 butir telur
  • 1 1/2 sendok teh gula pasir
  • 1/4 sendok teh garam
  • 25 gram keju cheddar, diparut
  • 50 gram jagung manis, dipipil (Saya ngga pakai)
  • 1 lembar smoke beef, dipotong kotak kecil (Saya pakai 1 buah sosis)

Cara Mengolah :

  • Ayak tepung terigu dan baking powder, sisihkan.
  • Dalam wadah lain, aduk margarin leleh, susu, telur, gula, dan garam.
  • Tuang ke dalam campuran tepung. Aduk perlahan.
  • Tambahkan keju cheddar, dan sosis. Aduk rata.
  • Sendokkan adonan ke dalam cetakan muffin yang dialas kertas cup.
  • Oven selama 25 menit dengan suhu 160 derajat Celsius.


  • Muffin sangat mudah dibuat karena hanya tinggal diaduk.
  • Tetapi kalau Anda salah mengaduk (terlalu keras atau terlalu lama diaduk), muffin menjadi bantat.
  • Jadi, aduk adonan perlahan dan jangan terlalu lama.
Super duper gampang. Rasanya juga enak, walau menurut saya masih belum rasa "muffin", lebih ke rasa omelet telur, hehehe. Gpp, cuma kurang jam terbang aja. (Emangnya mau terbang kemana bu? hahaha)

Monday 23 June 2008

Pangsit Goreng

Dibuat untuk acara ulang tahunnya Sayaka. Rencana awal saya ingin buat Fruit Pie, masterpiece saya. Hehehe.. Tapi berhubung udah capek habis acara Bday Partynya Jillian, Rina & Shoko, akhirnya saya berubah pikiran. Bikin yang gampang aja deh... ^_^

Dulu pernah bikin search dari Google untuk resep Siomay. Tapi kemarin bener2 keburu2 bikinnya, g pake resep lagi, pake ilmu ingat2 dan kira2 saja.

Bahan :
  • Kulit pangsit siap pakai
  • 75 gr Ayam
  • 75 gr Udang
  • 2 siung bawang putih
  • 1 sdt Saus Tiram
  • 1 sdt Minyak Wijen
  • 1 sdt kecap asin
  • Garam, merica, secukupnya
  • 1 sdm Tepung Maizena
  • Cuci ayam dan udang, siram dengan air jeruk nipis, diamkan 10 menit. Cuci kembali dengan air bersih.
  • Blender Ayam dan Udang
  • Campur semua bahan, aduk rata
  • Siapkan kulit pangsit, isi dengan 1/2 sdt bahan, lipat & bentuk sesuai selera. Gunakan telur kocok untuk merekatkan kulit pangsit.
  • Goreng dalam minyak banyak dengan api kecil hingga matang
  • Sajikan dengan Saus Cabe

Mudah sekali kan... Ini bener2 resep yang pas untuk orang pemalas seperti saya. hehehe

Party..Party..and Party

I`m so lucky being here. My friends are very kind to me. We do fun activities together. As I told you before, this week I have lot of parties. Party = cooking our own food, eating various food from another countries, doing games and fun activities, laughing together, getting fat together. hahaha. Party = Halal Food, no alcohol, no sake.

Lets start with the first party on Wednesday. Actually it was ICC activities. I`ve told you in my previous posting.
On Friday we celebrated birthday of Jillian (America), Rina (Taiwan) and Shoko (Japan). I loved Wan`s Pizza and Egg Tart made by Aileen ^_^

The next day we had earlier Birthday party for Sayaka, my Japanese Friend. My favourite food for that day was Choco Banana Birthday cake by Pijah.

I thought there was no more party. But on Sunday, Pijah told me that Pat (Thailand) wanted to cook Green Curry and Tom Yum for us. So, I had Thai Cuisine party on Sunday.

Photo Courtesy of Yang : very very happy face of party lovers ^_^

Another pics are available on my Facebook photo album. Thank you my lovely friends for another great days.

Sunday 22 June 2008

American Risoles

Dibuat untuk acara makan2 Ulang Tahunnya Jillian, Rina & Shoko. Awalnya bingung mau masak apa, akhirnya pilih ini dengan alasan Jillian kan dari Amerika. Hehehe.. Alasan yang maksa, jelas2 ini resep bukan masakan Amerika. :p

Ini resepnya Bu Fatmah Bahalwan pendiri NCC. Saya ambil dari arsip resep di Milis NCC, ditambah tips sukses membuat amris dari webnya NCC.
Adonan kulit American Risoles (Crepe):
100 gr tepung terigu
1 sdt garam
3 btr telur
300 ml susu cair
75 gr mentega, lelehkan
margarine untuk olesan

Cara membuat:
Ayak terigu, taruh dalam mangkuk bersama garam. Buat lubang ditengah, pecahkan telur di dalamnya, aduk satu arah.
Tambahkan susu sedikit demi sedikit, hingga adonan menjadi licin dan halus.
Tambahkan susu hingga habis, masukkan mentega leleh.
Tutup adonan dengan plastik, diamkan 30 menit.
Olesi wajan dadar diameter 12 cm dengan margarine, panaskan. (saya pake diameter 14 cm)
Tuangi 1 sendok adonan, ratakan sambil diputar, 2-3 menit, angkat.

Bahan isi :
4 lbr Smoked beef, potong kecil 2 x 2 cm (saya pake 3 batang sosis potong kecil panjang)
100 gr keju cheddar parut (saya pake 3 lembar keju Kraft potong kecil panjang)
4 btr telur rebus, potong kecil (saya cuma pake 3 butir telur rebus)
Tambahan dari saya 4 batang daging Kepiting siap makan, potong kecil panjang.

Pelengkap :
1 butir telur, kocok lepas.
250 gr tepung panir.

Cara membuat :
Bentangkan crepes, isi dengan potongan smoked beef, potangan telur rebus, sedikit keju parut, lipat spt amplop. Sisihkan
Lakukan hingga crepes habis.
Celupkan crepes isi kedalam telur kocok, gulingkan dalam tepung panir.
Masukkan kedalam lemari pendingin kira-kira 1 jam.
Goreng hingga kuning.
Sajikan dengan saus pedas, atau cabe rawit.

Hasil akhirnya saya dapat 30 buah Amris. Lumayan capek dan butuh kesabaran untuk buat kulit, mengisi dan melipat satu persatu. Tapi rasa capeknya langsung hilang begitu melihat hasilnya yang cantik dan komentar temen2 pas bilang "mmm.. oishii" ^_^

Thursday 19 June 2008

ICC Activity : Cooking Together

ICC = International Conversation Club. But for this week, it became International Cooking Club. LoL.. We cooked together in Dormitory`s kitchen. Very interesting.
My Japanese friends made the food very seriously. Hahaha

The menus : Fried Rice by me, Cheesecake by Pijah, Jemput-jemput by Husna, Daikon`s Food by Delphine (Ghana), and Daifuku by Japanese members.

Jemput-jemput? in Indonesian may be like bala-bala, bakwan or something. You can put in your favourite things. What we had : Kabocha (yellow pumpkin), banana, daikon (Radish), nato (fermented bean).
Daifuku ? Like mochi, the filling was Red bean, marshmallow, banana and Chocolate.

Here we are (minus me, i was taking the pic)
From left: Minoda, Mido, Akiko, Yuko, Husna, Marie, Pijah, Yang, Delphine
Pay more attention to the hair of guy wearing glasses, Mido-san.
He needs almost one hour to create that hairstyle. LoL

Oke.. That`s all. Owarimasu. Need to keep my energy for aother parties. Jillian, Rina & Shoko`s bday party for Friday. And Sayaka`s bday party for Saturday. What a busy week. Hehehe...

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Tea Ceremony Class, individual practical

I`m soooo tired. Getting busy in my lab. But I stuck on the same problem again. Really make me get headache, and really make me want to go home soon. I want to finish it all as soon as possible. Anyway, I already bought the ticket to Tokyo. Yippi...I will go home soon... ^_^

Here some pics of this week Tea Ceremony Class. I loved to attend this class. It`s like refreshing and taking a deep breath, relaxing my mind from my research at Lab.

This week all of us tried to do individual practical of Tea Ceremony, from the first step till the last one. Of course with a full supervisor from our Sensei. Aaargh... difficult to remember all. I will try to do my best :)
1st pic : How to use Fukusa
2nd pic :How to clean up Chashaku
3rd pic : How to add the water

Try to find out my pic? (hahaha.. narcism). I was taking those pics. I will try to post the detail steps of this Tea Ceremony including my cute pics. (weeks..)

This week is a busy week. Lot of assignments, lot of events, lot of parties... Ganbarimasu !!


Sunday 15 June 2008

Fireworks and Volleyball Match Just for Fun

My weekend usually started from Friday`s night, like this weekend. My friends and I did our own firework festival at Aoshima Beach at the midnight. In Japanese Language we call it Hanabi (花火). The Kanji is consist of Hana (花), means Flower. And Bi (火), means fire. In Japan, we can buy firework equipments easily.
Some of our fireworks. I don`t have the pic of our skyrocket fireworks

In the next day, Saturday, we had Volleyball match. I played for ICC team. ICC belongs to International Conversation Club, not International Cooking Club..haha..I didn`t know that it was a big match, I thought it just only for ICC member. But in fact, there was many teams from various Club in Miyazaki University.

I also played. For the first time in my lifetime, I was succeed doing Serve. It was passing over the net. Really, for the first time in my life. LoL

I didn`t play well. All ICC`s players tried hard to do the best. Otsukaresamadeshita (Good Job). Even our score was only twenty something and the opponent score was fifty something, but we were very very happy.
Photo Courtesy of Pijah : How happy it was ^_^

Finished? Not yet.. My Taiwan`s friend, Rina, had 15% discount card at Joyfull Restaurant. So, all of us went there to eat. We burned not more than 100 KCal at volleyball match. But then we ate more than 500 KCal at Joyfull restaurant. It`s one of the reason why I`m getting fat here. hahaha...

Again... Great weekend with great friends. Thank`s everyone ^_^

Saturday 14 June 2008

Soes Jepang ala Pak Sahak

Dari minggu kemarin sudah mikir2, kira2 mau buat apa ya weekend ini. Mulai hari senin udah terbayang2 bikin muffin, tapi tiba2 berubah pikiran hari jum`at, pengen banget bikin Soes Jepang ala Pak Sahak aja, kayaknya bikinnya gampang & bahannya gak ribet.

Kenapa namanya Soes Jepang? Saya juga kurang tau, tanya aja ke Pak Sahak yang bikin resepnya..Hihihi.. Walaupun ada di Jepang, tapi saya belum pernah lihat sus yang seperti ini, jadi heran. Mungkin karena saya kurang gaul belanja2 di bakery2 mahal di mall2 itu kali ya? Hehehe... Resepnya saya dapat dari milisnya NCC. Berhubung emailnya gak bisa di link, jadi saya kasih webnya NCC aja yaa..
Saya bikin ukuran imut, sesuai sm yg bikin. Hihihi

Bahan A ( rebus sampai mendidih )
100 gram butter
110 gr air
1 sdt garam

Bahan B :
120 gr tepung terigu
3 butir telur ayam

Cara membuatnya :
- Masukan tepung terigu ke bahan A semuanya lalu aduk sampai kalis matikan apinya.
- Kemudian masukan telur satu persatu setalah adonan agak dingin sambil dikocok hingga rata.
- Semprotkan keloyang yang telah diolesi dengan margarin.

Bahan Topping
50 gr butter
50 gr gula halus
50 gr tepung terigu
1 sdm air

Cara membuatnya :
Semua bahan campur jadi satu lalu dikocok sampai lembut.
Masukan kekantong plastik segitiga lalu gunting bagian bawahnya kecil saja lalu semprotkan diatas adonan soes kira - kita 3/4 bagian, (seperti membuat roti boy).
Panggang dengan api 180 derajat selama 35 menit atau sampai matang. (kalau saya cuma pake suhu 170 derajat selama 25 menit, soalnya ukuran soesnya kecil aja)

Bahan isi :
250 gram coklat blok
100 gram susu cair
200 gram whipp ( kocok sampai mengental )
kalau saya : Gak pake susu cair & whipcream, tapi saya ganti 200gram Plain Yoghurt,lebih sehat..(padahal ini gara2 whipcreamnya mahal..hehehe). Rasanya jadi asem2 yoghurt gitu, enak.

Cara membuatnya :

Masak coklat dengan susu cair sampai mencair, lalu dinginkan. Kemudian masukan ke whipp (yoghurt) lalu aduk sampai rata.

Penyelesaian :
Suntikan bahan isi kedalam sus yang sudah dipanggang. (Nyuntiknya pake plastik segitiga)

Tips :

Simpan soes di kulkas agar tetap garing ( sebelum disajikan ).

Pas habisnya ngoven ini, ada temen Jepang yang masuk dapur. Trus saya tawarin, pas dia lagi makan soesnya,temen saya itu tanya "Ini apa..?" Huwaaa.. Berarti hasil soes saya ini gak kyk yg di jepang asli. Hiks..Hiks.. Tapi dia bilang enak kok :D Wah.. orang jepang sih, dikasih apa aja pasti jawabnya enak.

Tapi dari cerita di blognya Mb Nonon, soes bikinan saya udah mirip kok sama deskripsinya mb Nonon. Buat saya juga enak. :D

Untuk memastikan, saya tinggal nunggu reaksi dr temen2 lain aja, soalnya habis ini mau saya bawa k acara tanding Volley di kampus. Huwaa.. saya g bisa volly disuruh main juga. Hiks.. sedih..

Have a nice weekend everyone... ^_^

Friday 13 June 2008

I`m a Journalist Wanna Be

I got a very very great opportunity from one of my friends, Mas Arief. He is a journalist. We only meet and have conversation via mail & chatting room in Yahoo Messenger. At our first conversation, he said that I could write well because he read my blog on my friendster.

Few days ago, he told me that he managed a Journalism website. And he said that he needed a contributor. He asked me if I would like to write something or not. I`m not sure with my ability. But then I said that I would try.

So I wrote and send it to him.

Yesterday, he said that he need my data. And he said that my article was being edited. "Tomorrow you can see it in our website"

Few moments ago, I opened that website. And tadaaaa... I saw my article there, including my pic. Oh My God. It`s my first serious article that I wrote, and it`s published in that such famous journalism website. Still can`t believe it.

Here it is... MY ARTICLE

I would like to send my gratitude to my friend for giving me such a great opportunity. It`s amazing for a beginner like me.
Thank you.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

When Sensei Didn`t Come

Today`s Japanese Culture class is very interesting. Our Sensei (lecturer) wasn`t able to attend the class because she was busy. So, she let us to do the Tea Ceremony by our self.

Our first reaction was ... Happy!! "Yeeaah, we don`t need to sit properly for 1 hour." LoL... No one will injured like the previous class as written in Husna`s blog :p

Second reaction was ... "Oo Oow... What should we do?" No one could remember the steps perfectly, neither me.
Translated Conversation
Pak : "First, open the fukusa from this side. Eee... Wrong..?"
: "Using our right hand, then move it to.... Eee.. which side..?"

: "It shouldn`t be like this. Why..Why..?"

: "Not like that, but like this. See..?"

: "Yeah, i can do it. But then... Eeee?"
Me : "Hahaha.. Let me take pic of all of you guys"

Next : Everyone tried hard to remember the right steps. Sometimes debating, right or wrong. Sometimes laughing. Especially when Pak, my Korean Friend tried hard to practise and remembered all the steps. Sometimes when he was arguing with another student from China, spontaneously he used Korean Language, not Japanese language. hahaha

When another students became slothful remembering, Pak was still trying hard to remember. And all of us called him Pak Sensei. Hahaha... Good Job Pak !! (Note: Please notice that Pak is a name of my Korean friend, not acronym of Bapak in Indonesian Language, hahaha).

Me...? I just remember the steps how to use Fukusa and how to take Okashi (snacks) hahaha.. Surely i will remember all the things about food. LoL... But I couldn`t totally remember the other steps. If I have to do a test about this class, I`m sure I will fail. Hahaha..

Sunday 8 June 2008

Window Shopping ?!?!?!

Participants : 8 Peoples
Midha (Indonesia), Yang (Taiwan), Jillian (America), Pija (Malaysia), Husna (Malaysia), Ari (Korea), Wan (Malaysia), and Pat (Thailand)

Plan : Window Shopping
Reason : Half of us stated that we had no money (including me)

Destination :

  • SHIMAMURA shop in Kiyotake.
  • Photo Station or something. My friend Wan, want to participate in a Photography contest to win 100.000 Yen. We wish u luck Wan...
  • AEON Mall. Lunch at 3 PM
  • DAISO, 100 yen Shop.
  • Baskin Robin 31 Ice Cream
  • Yamada Denki
  • Pet Shop
  • Cake House
  • Husna & Pija`s house
Left : Special ice cream by 31. Right : Cake House

Japanese doll to refuse the rain

Left : Husna`s car, enough for 8 person. Right : Eating the Roll Cake

Conclusion : It wasn`t Window Shopping
Reason : All of us bought many things even we stated that we had no money. hahaha

It was fun. Thank you my lovely friends ^_^

Cake Coklat Putih Telur

Tidak mau berlarut dalam kesedihan yang mendalam atas kegagalan project minggu ini. (hahaha.. hiperbolis), saya langsung bikin cake ini. Soalnya tingkat kegagalannya kecil.. Hehehe.. Sekaligus memanfaatkan sisa putih telur yang ada. Saya ambil resepnya dari sini.

3 potong cake yang lain masih ada pemotretan & shooting iklan.. Hahaha

  • 10 butir putih telur
  • 150 gram gula pasir
  • 120 gram tepung terigu
  • 30 gram coklat bubuk
  • 120 gram mentega/margarin, cairkan
Cara Membuat
  • Campur tepung terigu dan coklat bubuk, aduk hingga rata, lalu ayak, sisihkan. (saya tambahkan 1/2 sdt baking powder)
  • Kocok putih telur sambil masukkan gula sedikit-sedikit hingga mengental, lalu masukkan campuran tepung terigu tadi sedikit-sedikit, aduk rata.
  • Masukkan mentega cair, aduk rata, lalu tuang adonan ke dalam loyang bulat berlubang tengahnya yang telah diolesi dengan sedikit mentega. (saya pakai loyang biasa diameter 20 cm)
  • Panggang dalam oven (180 derajat Celsius, 30 menit) hingga matang.
Saya cuma buat 1/2 resep saja, semua bahan diatas saya bagi dua. Hasilnya 12 potong cake moist, lembut & enak. Gak jadi kecewa deh... hehehe

Martabak Manis (Failed)

Weekend, berarti ada new project. ^_^

Ini percobaan saya yang kedua bikin Martabak Manis alias terang bulan. Dulu pertama bikin gagal total, bukan jadi martabak yang ada serat2nya gitu, eh malah jadi pancake, hiks...T_T

Tapi masih penasaran, kira2 salahnya dimana ya. Mmm.. mungkin karena waktu itu gak pake Mixer. Huehehe... Oke.. Kali ini percobaan kedua pake mixer pinjeman dari Pijah. Coba resep ngambil dari sini. Dan sebelum bikin bener2 mempelajari cara masaknya, konon kabarnya susah bikin yang rongga2nya cantik kayak sarang semut.

Pas bikin martabak yang pertama, waah senang. Bener2 bisa seperti yang ada di petunjuk pembuatan. Bisa ada sarang semutnya. Udah ngebayangin bisa jadi tukang jual martabak nanti. Huehehe... Tapiiiii, Kok gosong alias hangus ya. Hiks T_T

Mmmm.. Mungkin teflonnya terlalu panas. (hehehe.. sok tau gini)

Oke.. coba lagi adonan kedua. Waah, kok sarang semutnya gak keluar. Jadi pancake lagi deh. Hiks.. Yang ketiga. Mmmm, ada sarang semutnya. Tp adonannya ketipisan. Huwaaa... Kok kena kutukan begini.

Gpp.. Gpp.. Nanti coba lagi.. Soalnya masih penasaran sama makanan yang satu ini. Semangat y midha !! ^_^

Martabak yang gak manis.
Gelap bulan bukan terang bulan.
Gambarnya kecil aja ya, soalnya malu, gagal gini.. hehehe

Friday 6 June 2008

Tea Ceremony Equipments

Learning something about Japanese Tea Ceremony is very interesting. As I told you in my previous blog about tea ceremony, one of the principles is Tranquility. You have to do everything calmly, patiently and beautifully.

Even only to clean up the chawan (bowl), or to use o Hashi (chopstick) to take okashi (snack), you can not do it as what you want because there are special ways and steps to do. You really need to be patient.

Today I will Tell you about the equipment first. It`s my Tea Ceremony set for this week.
Sorry for the resulotion, I used my Cellphone to take this pic

Let start with the red one, look like handkerchief. It`s called Fukusa (帛紗). The fukusa is a silk cloth approximately 30 cm or a little less than 12 inches square, used for the ritual cleansing of the tea scoop and the tea caddy, and to handle hot kettle or pot lids.

Another red (or orange) is Natsume, the container of green tea powder. Actually, the container is called Chaki (茶器). There are two main types of Chaki: the ceramic caddies called cha-ire, and the lacquered or plain wood caddies called natsume. I used natsume in my class.I try to find out a better pic of natsume. Here it is. The pattern of the natsume itself is very beautiful.

The long bamboo is Chashaku (茶杓) or tea scoop generally about 18 cm in length. It is used to transfer the powdered tea from the tea container (chaki) to the tea bowl (chawan). A bowl in the left side is Chawan (茶碗), usually made from ceramic and has beautiful pattern. An unique shape bamboo in the right side is called Chasen (茶筅) or tea wishk. It`s used to mix the green tea powder and the water.

And the white thing in my first pic is Chakin (茶巾), a small rectangular white linen or hemp cloth mainly used to wipe the tea bowl. It`s just a napkin but you need to obey special rules using the chakin to clean up your bowl.

Difficult to spell? And difficult to remember? Yeah.. me too... hahaha...

special thanks : Google sensei (LoL), Wikipedia, and another sources

Thursday 5 June 2008

Chayoo, Ganbatte !!!

Chayoo midha !!! Ganbatte midha !!!
No more cry
No more sad
No more worry

Memang susah berfikir seperti orang dewasa. Terlalu banyak kekhawatiran dalam menghadapi masa depan. Hidup itu harus disyukuri, dan dinikmati. Sudah saatnya kembali menyemangati diri sendiri :D Yosh !! Ganbarimasu...

*** makasih y mas...

Monday 2 June 2008

BBQ Party and Hotaru Matsuri

Yesterday I had BBQ party, held by an International Community at a very very nice park of Amago Castle, 1 hour from my Dorm. The participants was about 83 peoples, 30 of them are foreigners (I didn`t count.. hahaha).

I paid 1000 yen (Rp 85.000) for this BBQ. All you can eat, if you want and you can ^_^ What I got from 1000 yen was : All you can eat Seafood, salad, snacks, fruits, drink, fun games, a looots of fun, new friends,and a bunch of priceless happiness.

Situation of BBQ Party

The weather was nice, not too hot, cloudy. Then it was raining for a while. No problem, we had finished eating the foods. Hahaha...

I loved Ika Yaki. Special menu : Onigiri Yaki (baked Onigiri Rice)

Then we moved to Kobayashi, to see Hotaru Matsuri. Hotaru (ホタル) = Fireflies, and Matsuri (祭) = Festival. Kobayashi was about 45 minutes from Amago Castle. Another awesome place.

Imagining I was sitting on that chair with my boyfriend T_T

The night came, and it was going dark. I could see the fireflies. Woooooow... It was sooooo beautiful. Don't know how to express that feeling. It just like seeing a millions of stars flying arround you. My camera couldn`t capture the pic well. So I try to find a similar pic from a search engine. Here it is, fireflies...
Almost 85 % same with the situation that I saw.

We finished at 9 PM. Then going back to Dorm, back to normal life again. I arrived at 10.30 and directly turn on my laptop, since I know someone was waiting for me ^_^

I`m so tired. My backbone is painful now. But I`m happy. What a nice weekend...

The Visitors

The Original Myspace Map