Learning something about Japanese Tea Ceremony is very interesting. As I told you in my previous blog about tea ceremony, one of the principles is Tranquility. You have to do everything calmly, patiently and beautifully.
Even only to clean up the chawan (bowl), or to use o Hashi (chopstick) to take okashi (snack), you can not do it as what you want because there are special ways and steps to do. You really need to be patient.
Today I will Tell you about the equipment first. It`s my Tea Ceremony set for this week.
Sorry for the resulotion, I used my Cellphone to take this pic

Another red (or orange) is Natsume, the container of green tea powder. Actually, the container is called Chaki (茶器). There are two main types of Chaki: the ceramic caddies called cha-ire, and the lacquered or plain wood caddies called natsume. I used natsume in my class.I try to find out a better pic of natsume. Here it is. The pattern of the natsume itself is very beautiful.

And the white thing in my first pic is Chakin (茶巾), a small rectangular white linen or hemp cloth mainly used to wipe the tea bowl. It`s just a napkin but you need to obey special rules using the chakin to clean up your bowl.
Difficult to spell? And difficult to remember? Yeah.. me too... hahaha...
special thanks : Google sensei (LoL), Wikipedia, and another sources
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