My weekend usually started from Friday`s night, like this weekend. My friends and I did our own firework festival at Aoshima Beach at the midnight. In Japanese Language we call it Hanabi (花火). The Kanji is consist of Hana (花), means Flower. And Bi (火), means fire. In Japan, we can buy firework equipments easily.
Some of our fireworks. I don`t have the pic of our skyrocket fireworks
In the next day, Saturday, we had Volleyball match. I played for ICC team. ICC belongs to International Conversation Club, not International Cooking Club..haha..I didn`t know that it was a big match, I thought it just only for ICC member. But in fact, there was many teams from various Club in Miyazaki University.

I also played. For the first time in my lifetime, I was succeed doing Serve. It was passing over the net. Really, for the first time in my life. LoL
I didn`t play well. All ICC`s players tried hard to do the best. Otsukaresamadeshita (Good Job). Even our score was only twenty something and the opponent score was fifty something, but we were very very happy.
Photo Courtesy of Pijah : How happy it was ^_^
Again... Great weekend with great friends. Thank`s everyone ^_^
Finished? Not yet.. My Taiwan`s friend, Rina, had 15% discount card at Joyfull Restaurant. So, all of us went there to eat. We burned not more than 100 KCal at volleyball match. But then we ate more than 500 KCal at Joyfull restaurant. It`s one of the reason why I`m getting fat here. hahaha...
Again... Great weekend with great friends. Thank`s everyone ^_^
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