Saturday 31 May 2008

Fruit Pie

Project untuk weekend ini. Fruit Pie

Ternyata baking benar2 menyenangkan sekaliiiiii... ^_^
Lumayan berbahaya, berbahaya soalnya bisa menghancurkan program diet yang tiap hari prinsipnya gini "Dietnya mulai besok aja" hahaha...

Pakai resepnya Bu Fatmah dari webnya NCC (Natural Cooking Club). Beruntung sekali bisa tau klub ini, dan ikutan milisnya. Walau baru coba-coba resep satu dua tapi ilmunya bener2 bermanfaat.

Mudah kok bikinnya, buktinya saya aja bisa. Hehehe...

Bahan kulit Pie:
250 gr tepung terigu, serba guna
1/2 sdt garam

125 gr mentega

5 sdm air es

Bahan Vla :
500 cc susu

100 gr gula kaster (saya pakai gula biasa)

5 btr kuning telur (saya cuma pakai 4, cuma sisa segitu siy)
30 gr tepung maizena
1 sdm mentega
(tadi ngga` pake, lupa, mungkin kalau pake hasilnya lebih wangi)
1 sdt vanilli extract
(saya skip, soalnya ngga` ada, nyesel juga, masih bau telur jadinya)

Bahan Topping :

  • Aneka buah, spt strawberi segar iris tipis, kiwi, anggur hijau, anggur merah, jeruk mandarin kaleng, atau buah lain spt semangka, melon yg dibentuk bulat, dan lain-lain. Saya pakai mandarin orange kaleng, anggur (pas murah), Kiwi, & American Cherry (soalnya penasaran kyk apa rasanya)

Bahan Siraman:
1 sdt agar-agar putih (saya pakai nutrijell)
100 cc air
1 sdt gula
(didihkan ketiga bahan ini, sisihkan)

Cara membuat :

  • Uleni bahan kulit hingga menjadi adonan liat, gilas tipis, cetak pada cetakan pie kecil, (saya pakai cetakan pie besar diameter 18 cm) tusuk-tusuk bagian bawahnya dengan garpu agar pie tidak menggelembung, oven hingga matang. Lebih kurang 20 menit.

Vla :

  • Cairkan tepung maizena dengan sebagian susu, campur kuning telur, aduk rata, sisihkan.
  • Rebus susu dan gula hingga mendidih, masukkan campuran maizena dan kuning telur, aduk cepat, biarkan mendidih sekali lagi. Angkat. Sisihkan.


  • Isi mangkuk pie dengan vla, hias dengan potongan buah, siram agar-agar bening.
Hasil : Saya dapet 2 loyang pie diameter 18.

Ngga percaya bisa bikin beginian..hehehe

Yang baru kebagian: tetangga sebelah kamar namanya Yang, & Aileen. Lainnya besok yaa..

Karaoke.. Me..? Singing...?

Hanging out on the weekend, last night.

First we visited AEON
mall since Pat (my Thailand`s friend) wanted to eat Sushi. Previously I ate Kimchi and toast bread given by Ari & Jillan. So, while waiting for Pat, we just looking around, I bought some groceries for my weekend`s project ^_^

And then, we went to Round One, a famous game centre in Japan. Previously I did Bowling there, I loooooved bowling. But based on request,
for last night we did karaoke. Whaaat..? Karaoke..? I know my friend in Indonesia will shock reading this. And questioning is it true that I`m singing..? hahaha.. Even I couldn`t sing well, but It was so fun.

Just acting. I wasn`t singing ^o^ Guess who is Japanase..?
Answer : No Japanese in that picture. I swear..

Conclusion of last karaoke :
  • Yang`s voice was awesome. Mine..? Of course One Million Percent bad ^_^
  • 3 hours karaoke, result : 9 cups was broken bcoz of my voice. LoL
  • I was sooooo sleepy
Then we did another things :
1) Pat says : "Concentration, it`s my third coin " Result : FAILED
2) The Staff says : "You should move the machine to this point, I will make it easier"
3) Pat says : "YATTAAA... I got it"
all member say : "Hhuufff... FINALLY"

Before going back to dorm, we took Japanese Photo Box, called Purikura. Every time we go somewhere, Photo Box is a must. Here we are, 9 cute foreigners. Hahaha
Thank`s guys. For that great moment last night. I`m so lucky having friends like all of you ^_^

Friday 30 May 2008

I`m in Love

I think I`m in Love...
With who..? My boyfriend of course ^_^ But I`m in love again... Mas, you must be jealous.. hahaha...

I`m in love with this...

Wonderful Cupcake. Too cute to be eaten

I think I love cooking & baking. I wish someday i can make something like that. I download all the pics from here and here

Wednesday 28 May 2008

Kari Ayam

Menu untuk hari ini. Buat bikin ini aja resepnya search ke banyak banget sumber, dengan hasil akhirnya ngga` ada yang dipake, hahaha

Waktu blogwalking lihat resep2 cuma buat lihat bahan2nya apa aja. Tapi pas udah di depan kompor baru pake jurus ngawur (g mungkin bawa kertas contekan resep), smua pake feeling aja. Rasanya juga ngga jelas, tapi lumayan kok.. Lumayan hancur... hahaha... Ngga.. Ngga.. Lumayan enak kok... (soalnya udah ngga ada yang lain..hehehe)

Mohon maaf ya buat para suhu di dunia masak memasak. Resep asal nyemplung dan tidak sesuai dengan kaidah masak memasak. Soalnya pake aliran sesat.. hehehe

Foto ala kadarnya. Coba aja punya kamera yang mantap... T_T

Bahan :
2 dada ayam tanpa tulang
500 ml santan
1 buah wortel, potong2 (cuma biar ada sayurnya aja.. males bikin lagi..hehehe)
3 lembar tahu kulit, potong2 (klo di Indonesia tahu gembos gitu)
2 batang daun bawang, potong kurang lebih 3 cm
1 sdm serbuk kari
3 buah cabe kering
1 batang serai, geprek
2 lembar daun jeruk, robek2
2 lembar daun salam (bay leaf)
Sedikit lengkuas
0,5 cm Jahe, geprek

Garam, merica, gula secukupnya

Bumbu halus :
1/4 bawang bombay
2 siung bawang putih
sedikit kunyit bubuk, pala & ketumbar

Cara membuat :
1. Potong ayam, cuci. Kemudian lumuri dengan air jeruk nipis, diamkan beberapa saat, cuci bersih
2. Tumis bumbu halus berikut cabe kering, daun salam, daun jeruk, serai, jahe dan lengkuas hingga benar2 harum
3. Masukkan ayam, aduk hingga ayam kaku dan berubah warna
4. Masukkan serbuk kari, aduk rata
5. Masukkan santan, aduk sesekali supaya santan tidak pecah
6. Setelah santan mendidih, masukkan wortel dan tahu kulit
7. Tambahkan garam, gula dan merica, cicipi rasanya
8. Masak hingga ayam matang
9. Menjelang diangkat masukkan irisan daun bawang


Ibuuuu... Ini hasil masakanku... Percayalah, anakmu sendiri yang membuatnya :D
Siap2 dijewer ibu kalau tau resep kare yang bener2 aliran sesat ini... hahaha
Tapi enak ko bu... Percayalah... ^_^

Tuesday 27 May 2008

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Every Tuesday is interesting for me, since I have Japanese Culture Class. It`s about Japanese Tea Ceremony. First time when I knew that the class will be held for one semester, I was really questioning about the reason. How come it take so long time "only" for a tea ceremony.

But then I know the reason. It`s a culture, every single step is really meaningful. I try to find out the reasons from search engine.

A Japanese girl doing Tea Ceremony

There are 4 principles in Japanese tea ceremony: harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility (wa, kae, sae, jubuo)

  • Harmony: with other people and with nature. The tea ceremony is the way of bringing one’s self into harmony with nature.
  • Respects: a harmonious relationship with others.
  • Purity: clean yourselves through the five senses - sense of hearing when hearing the sound of water(which remind one of the silence outside), sense of sight when see the flowers, sense of touch when touch the utensils, sense of smell when smell the scent of the flowers, sense of taste when drinking tea.
  • Tranquility (Means : Quite, calm or something similar)
I will tell you later about the detail of this Tea Ceremony. The hardest thing to do is sitting like the girl for one hour. It was so painful T_T All students are injured for today`s class.. Hahaha.. I don`t have the pic, waiting for Husna to upload it in her Blog. Hehehe

The most interesting thing for me is eating okashi (sweet snack) :p It is sweet in order to minimize the bitterness of the green tea itself.

MOCHI. Okashi for today are like this. Not the original pic ^_^

I really love this class (the snack) hahaha.. ^_^

Saturday 24 May 2008

Macaroni Schotel

Project minggu ini. Macaroni Schotel. Dulu pernah bikin yang mirip2, bukan Macaroni Schotel namanya, tapi Omellete Macaroni. ^_^ Sekarang mau bikin yang beneran.

Resepnya aslinya sih ngambil dari sini. Tapi waktu bikin pake ilmu sok tau, bahannya asal nyemplung, masukin pala, merica & garam pake ilmu sok tau juga. Akhirnya rasanya gak karuan.. huehehe.. Tapi masih
enak kok (buat saya & teman2 yang dikasih bagian.. katanyaaaa... huehehe)

200 gr macaroni, rebus, siram dengan dengan air dingin, tiriskan

2 kaleng tuna Ini tuna made in Indonesia... whoaah.. jauh2 ksini tunanya impor dari Indonesia..
1 buah wortel, potong korek api

2 sdm tepung terigu
200 ml susu cair

3 butir telur

1/2 butir bawang bombay, iris halus

1 sdt pasta bawang putih

1/4 sdt pala bubuk

1 sdt merica bubuk

2 lembar keju cheddar potong kecil adanya cuma itu sih...
Gula dan garam secukupnya

2 sdm margarin u
ntuk menumis

2 batang sosis, iris tipis
keju parut

Cara membuat :

1. Tumis bawang putih, bawang bombay dengan margarin sampai wangi.
2. Masukkan terigu, aduk cepat. Setelah rata, masukkan susu, didihkan. Matikan api
3. Di tempat terpisah kocok telur, masukkan wortel, macaroni, keju, tuna kaleng, aduk rata.
4. Masukkan campuran susu, gula, garam, pala, merica, aduk rata.
5. Tuang adonan ke loyang tahan panas yang sudah diolesi mentega.
6. Beri topping sosis dan keju parut.
7. Panggang pada suhu 200 C selama kurleb 30 menit.
8. Potong, sajikan hangat dengan saus cabai / saus tomat.

Penampakan sebelum masuk oven, bukan Pizza !!

Waktu ngoven juga pake ilmu sok tau, cuma dioven 20 menit aja. Trus pas dikeluarin & dipotong, ketahuanlah dalemnya masih blm mateng. Akhirnya dikasih bonus 10 menit lagi dgn hasil akhir topping sosisnya gosong2..hihihi.. Besok2 klo mau bikin sosisnya dimasukin 10 menit terakhir aja kayaknya.

Penampakan setelah dipotong kecil2

Gambarnya g tajem, maklum cuma pakai digicam jaman kapan. Pengen punya camera focus gitu, tapi masih ngimpi dapet duit dari langit.. huehehe..

yang kebagian: Saya, Yang, Aileen, Rina, Sumin, Ari, Wan, Nis, Azim, Husna & Pijah. Saya memang teman yang baik, suka membagi2 makanan. Huahaha...Yang di Indonesia sabar ya... Tunggu saya pulang dulu.. ^_^

See you on my next Project

Weekend Again...?

Time goes so fast. It`s weekend again. But it`s a rainy day. Actually I want to go somewhere since I passed a boring week.

Can you imagine ? Everyday in my life, wake up, go to laboratory, japanese class, laboratory again, go back to Dorm, sleep, and in the next day wake up again, go to laboratory again and do the same activities again. What a boring routines !!!

Last thursday I got my emotion feel up and down. In the m
orning, I woke up with a good spirit, good mood, it was a sunny day, and I was so excited to start my research in laboratory.

And there was another happiness bcoz my favourite finalist in American Idol, a cool and handsome David Cook, triumph over a cute David Archuleta. Hehehe... I`m watching American Idol, and I`m so glad my boy (hahaha...) won that competition.

This is the man, my David Cook.. hehehe

But then I became sooooooo sad. My first application to get a job was failed to sent. What a stupid me !!! Working there is one of my desire since I`m still confusing with my future.

I`m happy again. I could forget my stupidity and my idiocy `bout that job application. In dorm I ate some delicious pie cookies made by Yang, the girl next my door. I helped her making that cookies, and I loved that job.

But I was soooooooooo sad again. At time time,I realized my sadness just nothing comparing the sadness of my Boyfriend. He losed his lovely grandmom. And I know that feeling. I was sad bcoz he was sad. And I couldn`t do anything to make him feel better. I couldn`t be there when he was sad. I was miserable...

*** taking a deep breath***

Lets start this weekend. I will do my weekend project. Trying to make a special menu. I will let you know in the next posting. ^_^

Have a nice weekend everybody...

Monday 19 May 2008

Not in a good mood

I`m not being in a good mood today. I have so many reasons. Also the current situation really supports me to have mood like this.

I`m sick... T_T ... I got headache since yesterday.
I don`t know what I`m thinking and what I`m worried about. But it`s been few days that I couldn`t sleep well. I woke up many times in my sleep. This behaviour is not mine.

Last night i took my headache medicine but this morning I didn`t feel better. Still, couldn`t sleep properly. I know that my research can make my headache worst. So I decided to stay in my room for today.

It`s raining all day. It`s so cloudy and dark outside. Nothing wrong with a rainy day. But I just hate it (only for today).

What a boring day. I Have nothing to do. Just sleeping, browsing, blogwalking & do something useless. Oftenly i can find something interesting from browsing and blogwalking. But it`s not like that for today.


I saw pictures of my Friends graduation ceremony. I`m really really sad. Wish I could be there also.
Some of my friends. I should be there also.

And suddenly it was bringing back my memorizes when we was together. While listening to a melancolic song from my Friendster page, in this rainy day, I open some picture files. I found thiz one.

`bout a year ago. Miss them all.

Aaarrgh... I want to go home soon. But first of all I need to get well soon. And of course, through away thiz bad mood. Wish me luck !!

Sunday 18 May 2008

My first note

This is my first note. Actually I`ve created the account since so long time ago. But since being very lazy (not busy) with a lot of unimportant activities, I just forgot that I have a blog. hehehe...

Trying to start it again. Just want to share you some simple stories, ideas, what I`m thinking or everything that I want to share. The main purpose is keeping the memorizes `bout the journey of my life.

It`s been so late here (2 am). I just can`t close my eyes, thinking bout re-activate this blog. hahaha...

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