Just like Indonesia. We celebrate it today. Why ? It refers to a history. Long time ago, (once upon a time. hahaha) there was a National Congress of Indonesian Women, held in Yogyakarta started from 22 December 1928. Oow.. it's been 81 years now. And the story began. I'm not interest to tell you about either the story or the history. I also don't want to know more. Hahaha
Today I plan to buy a bouquet of flower for mom. I will cook for today's meal. Trying become a mother for one day. Hahaha...
Happy mother day Mom. You're the greatest mom ever. I'm sorry for being naughty sometimes. I'm so lucky having you who always support me even though I did mistakes. No more words to say. I'm speechless. Thank you mom...
I'm not in a good mood to write. So I decide to end this note here.
PS. It will be new year 9 days to go. Time goes sooooo fast...Oh nooooo
Midha .happy mother day to ur mom!!
yeah time really fly very fast n I'm getting 22 next year cant believe it so fast hu3..
Thanks pija....
Yup... It's been sooo fast. Last year we were together.. Huhuhu
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