Monday 4 August 2008

my Last Weekend in Miyazaki

This Saturday I will leave this lovely city, with lovely peoples around me. I know I`ll be sad. But life`s must go on. I will miss every single thing that I found here. I will miss every single moment of my sadness, loneliness, and bunch of happiness. I will not forget all the kindness of great peoples and my lovely friends here.

In my last minutes in Miyazaki, I`m still busy finishing my journal. I`m still preparing my presentation for Inter Cultural Meeting on Tuesday : Tomorrow. Ganbarimasu !!!

I`m lucky having great peoples around me. They made farewell activities for me in my last week in Miyazaki. Last Saturday Aiki Sensei invited me to see Yamabiko Hanabi Taikai (山彦花火大会) or Mountain Echo Fireworks Festival in Nishimera. Needed 2 hours by car. The fireworks was awesome. It was the best fireworks that I ever seen.

a simple one

Then on Sunday everyone invited me to have farewell activity. I had lunch with Indonesian Families in Carino and than had interesting conversation, finished at afternoon. Then directly went to have dinner with Sayaka, Moemi & Asaki. Continuing with karaoke. Both of Indonesian Families and Sayaka`s family only have time on Sunday. (Pat-san & Wan-kun.. I`m sorry, I wasn`t able to go to AEON with you guys)

Today I go to Miyazaki Governmental Office to close my Insurance. Reserving the seat for my international fligt. Than continuing my journal & my presentation. I`m so tired today.

For the rest days in Miyazaki I need to do :
  • Clean up my room
  • Packing (aaarrgh.. !!!)
  • Sending my suitcases to Narita
  • Closing my Mobile Phone account and also bank account

Enough for today.. Need to continue writing my journal. Yosh.. がんばれ!!

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